We help you bring your ideas to life
At the Atelier Blayo Style Office, we offer a full range of services to support designers in the design of their leather goods collections. Whether you’re new to it or already have well-defined ideas, our team is here to guide you every step of the way.
1. The Design
Yes, at Atelier Blayo we offer personalized support, some of which includes training to help you realize your ideas and create your brand.
We are not a training center, we support creators to put together collections or mass produce.
Choose one of our support offers for step-by-step follow-up.
2. Prototyping
Personalized support for the design and initial prototyping of your leather goods creations, ideal for beginner or novice designers.
Brand Pulse Plus
Our advanced service including in-depth assistance with prototyping, brand development and strategic advice to propel your project to success.
Pulse Premium Brand
The premium program offering you comprehensive support for prototyping, branding, mass production and high-level strategic guidance to elevate your leather goods brand to the highest level in the market.
For additional details or to discuss your specific projects, please do not hesitate to contact us.